Category: wheel of the year

  • March Brings Ostara

    I know that Imbolc is “the beginning of spring” traditionally….but here in Michigan, February is typically stormy, colder than cold, and snowy. We’ve had more than a foot of snow, […]

  • Review: The Sunchildren Celebrating the Autumn Equinox

    (review originally published November 2014, book purchased by the reviewer) This is the second book in the Sunchildren series, focusing on the Autumn equinox. These books are out of print, but you […]

  • Review: Step Into the Circle: Winter

    (review originally published December 2014, book purchased by reviewer) This book covers the winter Sabbats, Samhain and Yule. Each section has a story about a modern child and her experiences […]

  • Holidays, Holidays, and More Holidays

    Wiccans and other Wiccanesque (are we still using that word) faiths typically celebrate the Wheel of the Year – 8 holidays, consisting of the solstices, equinoxes, and the dates in […]

  • Review: The Simple Sabbat

    (book purchased by reviewer, review originally written in 2014) This is a cute but straight forward book, with things to do for each Sabbat. For each, there are oil and […]