March Brings Ostara

I know that Imbolc is “the beginning of spring” traditionally….but here in Michigan, February is typically stormy, colder than cold, and snowy. We’ve had more than a foot of snow, total, in February this year along with several inches of rain, multiple high wind warnings, and several snow days for local schools. So for me, it’s not anything spring related.

Ostara, on the other hand, is finally getting on towards spring.

March is when we start seeds indoors (if we’re that organized – if not, we have to plan to buy seedlings in May). March is typically when Christian friends start talking about Easter baskets. March is when we start thinking about whether the kids’ shorts will fit, or whether we should start shopping for new ones, and when we start looking for warm-weather shoes.

And, one of the lovely parallels between our holidays and more mainstream Christian (and secular) Easter traditions is dying eggs. To that end, I’m giving you my list of 50 different ways to dye Ostara eggs below.

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