
So, here we are. I’ve been adding homeschool resources, and deleting one site that went out of business.

I’ve also been thinking a lot about schooling in general. We’ve been very child-led this year, and debating not going back to school at all. But I’ve also been wondering what happened to all the resources that used to exist.

For example, there was Goddess Moon Circles Academy, which was a full k-12 school program (sort of the hybrid homeschool curriculum/cover school/virtual school that was the thing back in the early 2000s). They had a summer program, their own alternative scouting program, and you could have them teach your child, or you could use their curriculum outline…or just do your own thing.

Goddess Moon Circles Academy screen shot from screen shot of Goddess Moon Circles Academy Site

There is still a single Pagan cover school in Alabama, for those who need cover schools. But with all the tools available to us, why aren’t we developing other options?

If you’re in Michigan, join me at Michigan Pagan Homeschooling
If you’re dealing with special ed and learning disabilities, join me at Pagan Special Ed Homeschooling

And, if you’re interested in talking more about private/parochial Pagan oriented schools, join me at Exploring Pagan Parochial Schools

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