(review originally published January 2015, book purchased by reviewer)
For a coloring book, this doesn’t have a lot of pages to color – I’d say it’s about half coloring pages, maybe less, with the rest activity pages. There’s quite a range – word search, mazes, crossword puzzles, and other word games. Because of that, I’d say it’s definitely an elementary school aged kids’ book.

The book covers each of the eight Sabbats, along with a section for “The Wheel of the Year.” Different pictures to color have descriptions, usually topical to the Sabbat. In the Wheel of the Year section, the coloring pages are about the seasons.
They’ve used an interesting mix of names for the Sabbats, but explain in the notes at the front of the book that they’re picking and choosing the names they think kids will be able to pronounce best. So, if you’re using different names, this may be confusing, or may be a good time to talk about all the different names that people call different holidays.
This is not really a book that introduces the Sabbats or the Wheel of the Year, so it’s probably best either for kids already familiar with them, or in conjunction with other work to introduce them. Overall, not a bad book….but not what I expected.