Happy Earth Day!
Sprites & Sparks is the youth group run by Spiral Moon Church, the church that this site belongs to.
We’re coming up on the end of the school year in most of the US, and with that come all the supplies that come home. We’re planning a crayon collection for The Crayon Initiative as our community service project for this spring. The Crayon Initiative takes old broken crayons and melts them down to make new crayons, which are provided to children’s hospitals around the country, where child life specialists give them to kids who are in the hospital.
Please have your kids collect up their broken crayons. If you’re in the Detroit area, you can bring them to our Beltane or Litha kids’ events. If not, reach out and let’s chat and I’ll explain how to turn them in. It doesn’t have to be just your crayons – maybe your child can ask their teachers at school? One year we got the kids’ whole elementary school in on it. Consider asking freecycle or buy nothing groups, ask family members, and ask restaurants that hand out crayons. Use your imagination.
If you’re interested in participating, please reach out and we’ll get you hooked up with details!